Posted on/at 12:38 PM by Web Thing
On the advice of a friend, I opened an ebay store, more for kicks than anything else. I loaded a couple of items. I must say, I am impressed with how quickly a t shirt can get viewd by simply setting it up for an ebay auction.

Anyways... I found it very intersting that this
Geek Squad T Shirt has gotten the most attention.
Bids start at just $2.99. Guess I should have done a little research, because others are up for sale for $15 and up. Who knew?
Either way, it's a fun experiment.
Wanna place a bid on my
XL Black Geek Squad T Shirt?
Click here.
Posted in
black t shirt,
Ebay Auction,
Geek Squad t shirt,
Geek T Shirt
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Posted on/at 2:10 PM by Web Thing
...and all I got was this lousy blog post.

What do you think? Catchy right?
In order to rekindle my relationship with the T Shirt community, I'm considering offering a service where I get a photo taken of your tshirt at a las vegas landmark and post it to my blog.
Genius or just plain stupid?
Remains to be seen.
I'm thinking ... you send the shirt, I snap the photo. Got a pirate shirt? How about in front of Treasure Island? Something a tad off color? A strip club maybe? The oudoorsy type? How about Red Rock Canyon? Kid stuff? We have the M & M museum. Maybe in front of the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign?
You get the picture.
Just throwing it out there.
Guess I'll have to start with some of the generous offerings I have already gotten and work from there.
Comments gracefully accepted.
Posted in
las vegas t shirts,
t shirt promotions
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Posted on/at 9:14 AM by Web Thing
So, I haven't written in ages. I did the math. About two weeks after I received my DVR (think tevo) from Direct TV I pretty much abondoned this blog (and loads of other things). Apparently, two weeks is how long it took me to figure out how to use it and fill it up with stuff I want to watch.
I considered posting t shirts of all my favorite T Shirts, but hey .... I that would take too long, and I have shows to watch ... so I decided to post this simple tribute to the machine that started it all ... the TV.
This simple
TV T Shirt can be yours for $20 (short sleeve, or $24 long sleeve, shown) from Just pick the color t shirt you want, and she's yours!
Now, if you don't mind I have to get back to work and get everything accomplished because I have 5 "new" episodes each of Dexter, Comedy Central Presents, Invention Nation, House MD, Southland and 3 movies that will be needing my undivided attention.
All signs point to this addiction only worsening as the end of Repeat Season approaches.
Posted in
groovey t shirts,,
House MD,
tv t shirt
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Posted on/at 9:23 AM by Web Thing
It's a Snappy New Day, and a great day for a clearance sale!
Act now, while has this tremendous t shirt sale going on!
This vintage
Mr. Rogers t shirt is just $4.99 - that less than the foot long sandwich you plan on consuming for lunch!

Prices vary at the 80's tees summer clearance sale, and while the $4.99 tees are somewhat rare, there are a plethora of goodies to be had for just 9.99, and I think some more for $12.99.
Load up. Summer is t shirt season (even thoughI wear 'em year round) At these prices, I think there retro classics are cheaper than they were 20 years ago. (That woulda been in the 80's, get it?)
Posted in
80's t shirts, 80stees,
retro t shirts,
vintage t shirts
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Posted on/at 8:03 AM by Web Thing
So, I was going to wait until
Sandia Shirts had a chance to print something a little closer to my heart - like a Rhode Island or a Nevada t shirt, but those folks are so darn nice I had to give them a "premature write-up".

Besides, I love Chicago! I have relatives nearby and have been out there for weddings and such, as well as some conferences (in December, of course) -so I decided I would showcase this Illinois T shirt. Land of Lincoln. And while I still have yet to read "Team of Rivals" - I have the impression that Honest Abe was a pretty good guy...
... Like the Sandia Shirt folks. All of our dealings have been quite pleasant.
I imagine you'll have a similar experience.
At this stage of the game, they have 9 state t shirts done, and have promised me many more to follow.
Get you Abe Lincoln T Shirt for just $15.99.
Posted in
Abe Lincoln T Shirt,
IL T Shirt,
Illinois T Shirt,
Sandia Shirts,
State T Shirts
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Posted on/at 9:23 AM by Web Thing
(on select t shirts)
It's that time of year again - the Cafepress summer sale! Yay!
Some days, it's just all about the benjamins (and the bargains)
I'll admit I see a lot of stuff at Cafepress and think "Man, if that were just a few bucks less, I'ld be all over it.
Like this one for example:
********Get Fresh with Cool T's from
CafePress ********

I found this under the GEEK category at Cafepress. Now, I don't consider myself a geek in any sense of the word (although others' opinions may vary). This silly shirt just kinda struck me funny.
************Get Fresh with Cool T's from CafePress ********

OK, it's probably because after about his 54 viewing of WALL E my 3 year old now thinks he is a robot - complete with sound effects... and I really like that kid and somewhere it has manifested itself as a fondness for this particular (robot evolution) shirt.
Either way, all I'm saying is that if your looking for some new tees, no matter wehat your background, interests, hobbies or current state of mind may be, it's definately worh a look at Cafe Press, especially during this sale.
Click there to see the sale--->: Get Fresh with Cool T's from CafePress

Posted in
$15 t shirts,
$2.95 tee shirts,
cafe press,
t shirt sale,
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Posted on/at 11:03 AM by Web Thing
Yeah, um ... I regret to inform you, I will not be posting any Michael Jackson T-Shirts.
Nothing personal, I just wasn't a fan - so If I started posting MJ tee shirts now, I would just be a poser. Believe it or not, I try do run this t-shirt blog with a smidge of integrity.
Again, there will be no Billie Jean quips, no "mo momma say moo sah", no
Thriller tshirts.
No young
Michael Jackson. No older Michael Jackson. No MJ bashing, praising or otherwise.
And for those of you who still don't quite get it...
Stop sending me emails about your new "clever", "memorial", "retro", "rhinestone" t-shirt portraying, immortalizing, slandering or plaguerizing the "
King of Pop"
... cuz I ain't interested. Sorry. Just not my bag.
Posted in
michael jackson t shirts
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Posted on/at 1:41 PM by Web Thing
OK, I must admit - I had gotten a kick the first time I saw the
Obama T Shirts stating "Barack & Roll", "Barack the Casbah", and all the "
hey, Obama rhymes with Mamma" t-shirts ... but let's face it ... that ship has sailed. They were merely cute, not necessarily funny or even close to cool. My personal fav? "
Obama is the New Black"

Now that folks have had a little time for this whole political thing to set in, some much better Obama tee shirts are beginning to surface. I like this one just because it seems to be very well thought out. It's not in your face, not overwhelming and honestly would look pretty darn good whether it said Obama on it or not.
OK, so it definately has that "I ripped off this look from Ed Hardy" feel - but for a political t shirt, at least they took the time to rip off something cool.
Freedom Scroll Obama T Shirt is available (in a number of colors) for between $18.45 and $22.95 - depending on the size/color combination.
Posted in
$2.95 tee shirts,
Barack Obama T Shirt,
Basack T Shirt,
Obama T Shirt,
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Posted on/at 9:40 AM by Web Thing
Vintage Looney Tunes Tiny Tune Tee Shirt
Featuring Buster & Babes

So, I was out looking for some vintage t shirt goodies to add to my collection and found this gem at
While I will admit I'm more of the Classic Looney Toons age, and missed the Tiny Toon era by quite a few years - the vintage look of this t shirt really looks great. The vintage wash on the black shirt makes it more o f a charcoal grey and I really love the distressed logo, giving it real classic appeal.
Keep in mind this is a "slim fit" t ... (I think because back in the 70's people were thinner - before corn syrup hit the shelves) ... but that's another story for another time ... so you may want to order this baby a size or two (it's 100% cotton, so expect further shrinkage) larger than you normally would.
Get your Looney Toons Vintage Tiny Toon T Shirt for just $17.95 at
Posted in
black t shirt,
cartoon t shirt,
looney toons,
retro t shirts,
tiny toons,
tv t shirt,
vintage t shirt
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Posted on/at 8:58 AM by Web Thing
Ropeadope Delivers (t shirts, that is)
Here's another tree tee with a bit of a twist. It's by
Ropeadope (love the name) and it's available at
Always Urban.
Sure it's kinda bright, but my wardrobe needed a little color anyway. Besides; trees, offcenter print that goes from front around to the back... they made this one just for me.
Although the fact that I have no artistic ability includes that of the musical variety - the piano keys work really well here - at least in MY head.
Ropeadope has a nice little collection of t shirts brewing. They have 10 t shirts available, and I would buy 8 of them without hesitation. I hope they keep it up.
The one above is called "Keys T-shirt" and if you want it, you just have to pony up $22.
Posted in
always urban,,
keys t-shirt,
photo t-shirts,
rope a dope,
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Posted on/at 2:38 PM by Web Thing
Roll the Dice and Find Out.
Well, if you thought I was going to say $5 t shirts you had better pick up the pace a little. We already mentioned that you can get $5 t shirts from Six Dollar Shirts if you order 10 of them (for those of you without a calculator handy, that's 5 t shirts for 50 bucks)

But wait, there's more...
Want a tee shirt from for just $2.95 ...
Dang, the simple name; 6 Dollar Shirts, which seems quite straightforward has gotten a little complicated, eh?
Don't fret - just think of it this way- you will NEVER pay more than 6 buckaroos for a t shirt at - does that help any? Good.
Anyhow - how do you score a tee for just $2.95? Easy - you tell 'em if you are a man or a woman and what size you would like - they choose the color and design for you. They empty the warehouse, you score a sweet deal. Works for all involved, doncha think?
VVVVVVV Click the bearded Guy's Nose (below) to Get Started!

^^^^^^^ Click the bearded Guy's Nose (above) to Get Started! If you like tees, but have trouble making decisions - or just ain't that much of a shopper - this is the way to go.
Posted in
$2.95 tee shirts,
6 dollar shirts,
6 dollar t shirts,,
cheap t shirts,
six dollar shirts,
six dollar t shirts 5 dollar t shirts,
t shirt sale
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Posted on/at 9:50 AM by Web Thing
Busy bees. When you think about it - the bees have it pretty good.
1. They can fly
2. They have good steady jobs
3. The sweet goodness of honey is everywhere.
... but do you think they appreciate it? I know a lot of gainfully employed folks get up every morning and after a few slaps of the snooze bar, button an oxford over their much prefered t-shirt and head off to work on autopilot, just going through the motions.
I like to think that the bees on this t shirt get up with a spring in their step happy to face the challenges of rain, spiderwebs, etc with a real get'er done attitude... like the ladies behind
CryWolfClothing, namely Rose and Stephanie.
Talk about not being afraid to get you hands dirty! Silk screened by hand? Who does that? When they aren't designing these clever shirts (for men, women and ... and I love this ... KIDS) They are wrist deep in ink and squeegees producing these tees just for you!
Anyways ... I dig the shirt, I like the bees and I'm a fan of anything that wasn't spit out by a factory with millions just like it - cuz it wasn't.
This hand crafted
Busy Bees T Shirt can be yours for a mear 28 CAD ... That's only $25.216128 for us Yanks!
Posted in
6 dollar t shirts,
cry wolf,
independent t shirt co,
stephanie and rose
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Posted on/at 6:12 PM by Web Thing
This one. I just like it. The wings are cool, the olive drab is casual, the fade is sweet, the price is right. Not all the t shirts in your drawer have to be those one of a kind exclusives, ya know. Don't be a complete slave to fashion.
And for some reason, I really like numbers on my shirts ... don't ask me why.
Snake yours 11th Airborne tee at for a reduculously low $9.75.
Posted in
11th Airborn,
6 dollar t shirts,
Bargain T Shirts,
cheap t shirts,
Under $10
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Posted on/at 3:03 PM by Web Thing
I forgot who's tshirts I was looking at (sorry) when I realized they were sold at - as part of a WEALTH of other really great looking tees from a very diverse group.
RedBubble allows artist to add their own artwork and make them available as framed prints, greeting cards, posters ... and of course t-shirts...

..and they do all the heavy lifting - credit cards, manufacturing, shipping
and the artist(s) set the pricing, retain copyrights and decide exacty what it is they want to sell.
This allows for the artist to focus on what they do best - make the world a better place to live.
I just wish I had at least one artistic bone in my body so I could partner with these folks. As I do not, I guess I'll just go back to surfing the sea of tees, enjoying the work of those with special talents.
Thanks RedBubble.
Anyway, the photo is just one of many I really liked, many because it was fun and different without being what I consider a little too wierd. I believe it's called
MoneyRunner by
Steven Wildish, and can be yours for about $27.
Again, there are a TON of unusual t shirts over there, and if you are looking for some real winners for your collection, don't pass this place up.
Posted in
art on t shirts,
artist store,
t shirt
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Posted on/at 10:24 AM by Web Thing
OK, before we get into all the dogooder aspects of Rahzo, LLC., let's talk about the t-shirts. Let's face it, the only way they will do anybody anygood is to be simply brilliant.
Lucky for Rahzo, that's precisely what they are.
Take this one for example: "Roots Grow Deep"

I know, it's me. I have a thing for these tree shirts, and while a lot of folks will argue that this isn't actually the finest example of what's available at Rahzo, it's my blog, so I feature the shirt I would pay my hard earned cash for... and this it is. (Go check 'em out for yourself at the link below)
Rahzo, from what little I have read (cuz, honestly, I prefer to look at the pretty t-shirt pictures) is a growing collaboration of real artists banging out killer tees with focus and purpose. I would join and try to get them to print one of mine, but rejection letters make me sad.
OK, unique, artistic shirts. Got it. There's a lot of that going around isn't there? Well, um, yes and no. You will be hard pressed to find stuff this good for $20 - 25 anywhere. What else? Well, they give a percentage of sales to charity. Still want more? YOU choose the charity at check out.
Yes, YOU get a rocking deal on a sweet t-shirt ... and YOU get to make the world a little better by contributing to the cause of YOUR choice.
...and you thought you were just shopping for t-shirts.
PS, the "roots grow deep" t shirt will run you $20 bucks from our friends at Rahzo.
Posted in
art on t shirts,
Rahzo tee shirts
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Posted on/at 10:25 AM by Web Thing
Only 8 Days left to get your band t-shirts on sale at
From the Allman Brothers to ZZ top ... and suprizingly, pretty much everything in between. What I mean by that is that we arn't just talking 70's bands, even though a Kiss t shirt is next on my list. You can also get Tupak, Mariah Carey ... and even Robin Williams t shirts.

Why did I choose Steve Miller? Easy. When I was in High School my best friends all had different musical taste. One liked the guitar stylings of Joe Satriani, another liked anything from the early days of Rap and I leaned more toward the hairbands and some punky stuff.
One thing we could all agree on was Steve Miller, so when the 3 of us got together to cruise the beaches the Greatest hits album was pretty much always in the cassette deck.
The good news? You can now score this t-shirt for $14.99 (down from an already fair $19.99)
Click below to get started on your search for a heavily discounted band t-shirt.
Posted in
band t shirt,
steve miller,
t shirt sale
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Posted on/at 8:23 AM by Web Thing
Take a boatload of inspiration, a truck load of hard work and a head full of dreams and what do you have?
It's all about walking the walk & talking the talk. About scratching that itch. About digging deep. About taking huge risks and believing that the little voice in your head has your back when it tells you that you won't fall flat on your face. Phanica.
Now, I don't want to ruin the whole story for you, so go check out the t-shirts and the inspirational story behind them at Phil (and company) have created the perfect synergistic union between business philosophy and goods.
The t-shirts represent all of the qualities that got the company off the ground. Dreaming, Journeying Beyond Yourself and more.
Anyhow, about the shirt - I'm guessing for the most part it's pretty self expanatory. All of 'em include the keyhole logo - and if you want to know about it's origin I figure it's best to go read the whole story on their website.
Coming in at a very reasonable $19.99, it's not too tough to make this Journey Beyond Yourself T Shirt part of your collection.
P.S. Hey Phil, what's the name of that book your Mom gave you?
Posted in
insprational t shirt,
Phil Keys,
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Posted on/at 1:39 PM by Web Thing
OK, so I got an email suggesting that I go check out this line of "
psychedelic t-shirts" and I must admit ... my first thought was "oh boy, more tie dyed wanna be
Grateful Dead T Shirt type junk. I can smell the patchouli oil already" (sorry yoav)
Boy was I wrong! These t-shirts are really, REALLY cool! Beautiful even.
Although the word "psychedelic" was a turn off to me ... and they are definately, um, inspired by kalidescopes and such ... the craftsmanship and artistic nature of these tees can not be ignored.
And printed front and back? Who does that anymore? Kudos, my friends!
For the first time ever, I am really at a loss to describe these t shirts in any way that I feel conveys what exactly they are, so, I have, for the first time ever, been forced to resort to plaguerism. I really hope the folks at don't mind.
In their own words...
"... many of the design elements are based on sacred geometry, tessellation and mandalas with traditional and original symbolism. other designs are inspired from hindu and buddhist myths, yoga, spirituality, Kabbalah, shamanism & music. visionary artists such as alex grey, robert venosa, salvador dali, m.c. escher, pablo amaringo and others are also a source of inspiration."
Quite a mouthful, eh? Well, I couldn't have said it better myself, so I figured I wouldn't even try.
So, if I'm reading this right, they run about
25 Euros each ... so, under $32 USD. (currency conversions aren't my bag). That really is a mere pittance for such a quality item.
Thanks for the heads up.
(and don't forget to click the Win a Free T Shirt" link.)
Posted in
psychedelic t shirts,
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Posted on/at 9:17 AM by Web Thing
OK, so we got a little friendly rivalry thing going on at Always Urban .com. There are 4 t-shirt design companies looking for bragging rights.
Among them is Acropolis.
Why did I vote for Acropolis instead of the others? Honestly, I'm not familiar with the others (and I will be back for a much closer look) but Acropolis has been knocking 'em out of the park since day one. Really great design work - but hey, you vote for whoever you want.
I think it stands to note that the Acropolos folks are really cool, helpful people. They have always been good to me - they got some serious points for that.
Go get involved at And don't forget to cruise around. There is a reason they are so proud of the designers that they have teamed up with.
Posted in
acropolis t shirt,
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Posted on/at 1:03 PM by Web Thing
I spent a good 25 minutes cruising the t shirts site for something to reach out and grab me. Either I'm in a bad mood - or all the sites seem to have a lot of the same totaly played out stuff.
At minute 25, while at I came across this little number...

It apparently offered me the slightly twisted viewpoint I was craving today.
Incase the print is too small - it says "Push Button, Receive Bacon" - proving once again just how difficult it is to find just the right icon for slightly abstract thoughts like heat.
At $16.95 this bacon t shirt is a keeper.
Posted in
Bacon T Shirt,
Bargain T Shirts,
funny t shirts,
photo t-shirts
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Posted on/at 7:22 PM by Web Thing
Somehow the Ramones have come back into vogue - which is funny - just because by the time I got my first Ramones T shirt (a decade and a half ago) I totally felt like a poser.
Apparently, the rug rats running around with the new Ramones T shirts think it's a new thing. Good for them. I have no problem with today's youth being inspired by songs with only 3 chords. Really. I find it somewhat comforting, not that I can explain it.
********** MORE RAMONES T SHIRTS HERE ********
Anyway, step out of the norm with this really very cook oversize printed
Johnny Ramone t shirt. The graphic is huge, but subtle for a washed out look so you can tell your buds it's an original from the 70's.
Grab this Vans Johnny Ramone T Shirt at for a slick $14.99. A bargain.
Posted in
band t shirt,
punk t shirt,
ramones t shirt,
rock t shirt,
vans t shirt
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Posted on/at 1:09 PM by Unknown
It looks like we may have been duped. Tee Shirt hell is not closing its doors, looking back it was pretty obvious, i mean in this economy who shuts their doors on purpose, especially Tee Shirt Hell ! So it looks like there will be no lack of adult tees available on the interwebs, so if you have an inkling for some twisted humor please visit and for the full story,
check it out . I applaud Tee Shirt hell for an ingenious marketing strategy, it apparently worked with them selling over 100,000 shirts on this promotion !
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Posted on/at 10:41 PM by Web Thing
I know. I know. I'm late for everything. So why the rediculously early post for St. Patty's Day shirts? Honestly, it just boils down to me missing the boat on Valentine's day ... so I figured I would try to get a leg up. Besides, I'm Irish.
My pick for the St. Patrick's Day shirt to be seen in this year? Here she is ... from
Short and Sweet. Nothing too schticky. Not necessarily a "once a year" shirt. Not totally green - and can actually be worn every day in Boston, if you are lucky enough to be a resident of the capitol of Red Sox Nation.
So snag one for you and for each of the members of your drinking team and be ready to roll when March 17th rolls around. GOOD NEWS ... they are also available in more colors, presumably to mask the green beer one of you hammered (pronounced HAM - id) buddies is gonna dump all over you - either on purpose or not.
So, click on over to FSG for either this "I Shamrock You T shirt", or one of the many other St. Patrick's Day T Shirts where they will run you a cool $16.99 and up.
Posted in
flippin sweet gear,
holiday t shirts,
st patrick's day t shirts
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Posted on/at 8:04 AM by Web Thing
OK, so I'm still looking for the t-shirt that says "I saw a puppet at Tangs with a mullett and a popsicle" ... until then this t-shirt from sweeticets is a clever nod to Beck. (maybe I gotta get back to Cafepress and get my DIY on. )
************ Band T Shirts ***************

This struck me funny, clever, etc ... probably because I've had a Beck cd playing in my car for the last month.
Anyway ... anyone with a radio knows where it's at. Two turntables and a microphone should totally clue you in.
************ Band T Shirts ***************
Not a Beck fan? No prob - still a cool t shirt. Clocking in at $16.99 at
SweetTs try this
groovy t shirt or one of the other ones.
Posted in
beck t shirt,
music t shirt,
sweet ice ts,,
two turntables and a microphone
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Posted on/at 8:12 AM by Web Thing
So, the photo t shirt is usually reserved for Bob's Retirement Party, with a less than flattering photo of Bob sleeping at his desk, snapped by Ernie in accounting on his kid's
digital camera .... or you know, one with all the grandkids for Grandma ... or Bill's first birthday. All good uses for the
photo t shirt - but let's face it ... not for everyone.
Enter Oh Snap!
Take some great photography, by real artists and put those on a shirt. Sure it's been tried before with limited success, but keep an eye out for these folks. The shirts are killer.
Not even on the market yet they are creating a wonderful buzz. And why not? They have certainly taken the photo concept to the next level. What's the catch? You can't buy 'em. At least not yet. They will go on sale to retail outlets with a wholesale price of , I think, $15. That means you can expect to score one when they come available for $30 and up. Well worth it if you ask me.
If you need great tees for your store, I suggest you meet up with these folks in Vegas later this month.
Real art on a t-shirt. Loving it.
See what's ahead at
Oh Snap.
Posted in
art on t shirts,
oh snap,
photo t-shirts
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Posted on/at 4:58 PM by Web Thing
6 Dollar Shirts?
Yup, you heard right! ... Not Crazy enough for you? Fine ... how about 10 shirts for $50?
Sweet deal. The best part? There are a LOT of shirts to pick from so you won't have to kill yourself to find 5 you like to score the sweet deal. Heck, you even get to choose what color shirt for most of 'em, so even if you only find one you like you can get it in 5 colors.
This bad boy came from their retro section. C'mon, say it with me ... "I'm Hot." ... "I'm Thirsty"..."KOOL AID" and then that happy faced punch bowl guy would come crashing though a wall or a fence to save the children from certain heat exaustion and/or dehydration.
My hero.
Posted in
6 dollar t shirts,
cheap t shirts,
Kool Aid t shirt,
six dollar shirts,
t shirt sale
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Posted on/at 6:54 AM by Unknown
It's cold as hell today (whopping 10 degrees this am) but for some reason the sun seems brighter and the world seems a bit nicer...I wonder why...............oh wait, here's why -
T-Shirt Hell Shutting its doors
I admit some of their shirts were extremely funny but many went waay overboard, I get the whole shock value marketing of it, but lets get real - who would wear a shirt that says “It’s not gay if you beat them up afterwards” or "What About All The Good Things Hitler Did” - they go past the boundaries of good taste and morality.
A quote from Mr. Sunshine himself...
" those who think I’m racist, promoting rape, a nazi, homophobic or just the world’s biggest asshole…well, at least you think I’m something, which means I’ve achieved what I wanted."
Thanks to Gary, Mika, Jacob, Greg, Bob, the black lady who writes our newsletter, and to everyone else who was part of T-Shirt Hell. Time to move on to even greater things. I’ll miss you (by miss, I mean, it’s going to suck not being able to give you my excellent reach arounds when you least expect them).
Fuck you,
-Sunshine Megatron
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Posted on/at 6:10 PM by Unknown
I figured I would take a short pause in between tutorials to bring you this
deal of a lifetime! It all started with an idiotic
$1000 Iphone app for the absurdly rich, now some dude has jumped on the bandwagon with a $3325 Tee Shirt! I for one find this despicable, at a time where
21,000 (Thats Twenty-One Thousand) jobs are cut in one day, and its
even so bad that Google has announced layoffs - Times like these, people need to think of the overall picture rather than promoting that they have not yet been hit by the bad circumstances affecting us all.
Anywho, thanks for tuning in, i'll be continuing the tee shirt design series shortly.

This is an actual screenshot of my checkout page.
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Posted on/at 8:04 PM by Unknown
When we last left our hero, he was in imminent danger! Gunmen in front of him and his back to the wall...........wait wait wait, sorry wrong blog :-)
Last time we were discussing
this great idea you had for a tee and you were kinda stumped on that to do. So you have your idea right? ok if not, you can borrow mine - see I love this show called "Big Bang Theory" and there are many geek references all the time,
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock is a MUST but too easy. So if you saw the last episode Sheldon had a hilarious comeback and it hit me, there must be a shirt made with this! -
"I'm not insane, my mother had me tested" - ok ok so out of context its not super funny, but that will be the focus of todays post - to take that phrase and make it into something special.
In order to do this right, we need some images and a way to manipulate them. Depending on your idea, your shirt could contain just
typography or images with type - that will be your decision. I have decided to use some images with my text. Now you just can't start doing an image search on google for what you want. For one,
there are copyright issues and the printer will probably cancel your order for infringement - Second, the image will probably be too low a resolution to make it look any decent. So now that we have that clear, start by checking out a few sites that offer royalty free images - just check the restrictions on the image to make sure you are in the right (
Also, I make this claim, I am not a lawyer and I like most people don't know copyright law backwords OR forwards so make do some research first - now that I have that out of the way, lets continue)
You can start by one of these sites:
Stock Exchange - Images are not free
Now that you picked some images to mess with, you need a way to create your image - first there are the online editors like found in last weeks link for, but for this post I want a little more control over my image - like gradients manipulating layers. Now working IT, I wear many hats at my job, one of them is a Graphic artist when needed, so I have the use of Photoshop - now many of you are thinking HEY you didnt say anything about needing an expensive application to do this, well your right I didn't. I may be using photoshop, but there is an awesome FREE alternative, a couple actually! so point your browsers to the links below, install some apps and get familiar with your tools.
Gimp - An opensource photoshop alternative
Inkscape - An opensource Illustrator alternative
For now I would suggest starting with Gimp, and look for a nice beginner tutorials here:
To get your gears moving in that dusty brain, I have included my finished design.

**********WARNING SELFISH PLUG AHEAD*******************
If for some reason you like this tee, that means your just as crazy as I am - and you really REALLY want to buy this tee RIGHT NOW!
**********SELFISH PLUG HAS ENDED*************************
we now resume our regularly scheduled broadcast ......
So in today's post, we covered one idea, how to get images for your idea and what is needed to manipulate your images. This image is ready to be submitted, but to where? We will cover that next and we will also cover a little more on your design. Remember, above all, HAVE FUN - this is just a little peak into yourself - it doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be something you will enjoy! If you have some designs you want to share, send them my way, I will include them in the next segment, and if you have gone through this before, share your story.
Well true believers, tune in same bat time, same bat channel!
nuff said
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Posted on/at 3:08 PM by Web Thing
It's a bird, it's a plane's a .. hey wait, it IS a plane!
If you're like me, things that move just kinda get you going. Electric Cars, Gas Powered or
electric bicycles, airplanes, trains ... pretty much the next thing smokin' (or humming) ...Im not saying i'm getting on it, but I can daydream about it.
Now, I don't know if it's the fact that the shirt is eco-friendly (read locally silk screened, uses some recycled material, made in the USA, yadda yadda) or the fact that the t-shirt has been on a celeb, and seen on TV - (Adrian Grenier,
Alter Eco on Planet Green TV)but this sucker costs $46.99. Can't it be cool AND good for my wallet? I mean, it's still just a t-shirt, right?
(Don't read this wrong, I'm all about the efficiency aspect of "going green" ... but costing more bread ... is that efficient?)
That aside, it really is a great looking shirt, and you get some major dogooder points for sporting it - yesterdays recycled pop bottle is today's fashion statement.
Um, when I'm done with it, can I turn it in for a refund? Hey, a nickle is still a nickle.
Anyways, it's on sale now at
EcoZunu .....
BiPlane T-Shirt $46.99
Posted in
Adrian Grenier,
Alter Eco,
planet green,
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Posted on/at 2:22 PM by Web Thing
If you haven't noticed, I have recruited my good friend BadTiki to help me keep up with the t-shirt blog posts. Don't think I'm behind, um, well look below ... he's already posted 2 articles before I got a chance to introduce him!
In honor of "working" with your friends, this post also includes a t-shirt from Charm City Cakes ... who's TV show,
Ace of Cakes introduction goes something like this " ... when I graduated culinary school...blah, blah, blah .... opened a bakery ... blah blah blah ... do it my way ... blah blah blah ... yadda yadda yadda ... MY FRIENDS!

Just as Duff Goldman gets up in the moring and spends the day "working" with his best buds ... that's kind of how I feel about bringing my man BadTiki into the fold. He's the Geof to my Duff.
Now, if there were just some ladies around here...
So, look for an interesting pespective of the t shirt world from my bud to compliment and contrast the usual goings on around here ... and I'll try to get my butt in gear.
... oh yeah, and get the
charm city cakes t-shirt at Charm City Cakes for $22 bucks. Pictured here on the man, Geof. (c'mon, his witty comments make the whole show - sorry Duff)
.and thanks BT!
Posted in
ace of cakes,
charm city cakes,
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Posted on/at 8:34 PM by Unknown

There are a lot of cool tees out there, from
nostalgic to
geeky, to
downright nerdy (See above), but every so often don't you think HEY,
I have a GREAT idea for a shirt! Then it hits you, wow I don't have the
foggiest idea on how to start. Well today we are going to start a new series on what you can do and how you can do it - and what resources are the best.
Here is what you are going to need
- A Great Idea
- Some form of creative ability
- If no ability - resources for legally free artwork
- And some place to manufacture the shirt for you
The great idea part is up to you, all I can say is look around for some inspiration - dig from within, if you are a geek like me, look towards your daily content of video games and applications - if your a media junkie, think about your favorite artists or movies, anywho - that is your homework for today - Think of a good idea - a saying or a reference from your daily lives.
Today I will leave you with a link to start designing on your own -, a new site T.S.G. turned me on to - Next time we will start with the art portion and what you will need to do to make sure your shirt doesn't show up on your front door looking like something the cat threw up!
Thanks for tuning in! Oh and if you missed out on the geek humor from the top pick, its from an insanely creative and
addictive video game called Portal, if you havn't played it - drop everything now and go get it - seriously...i'll wait.....
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Posted on/at 6:36 PM by Unknown

Greetings all, and Thanks T.S.G. for asking me to guest post!
Here is my quibble for the day, get ready all for a major influx of cartoon nerdvana,
That spinach lovin' sailor 'Popeye' is soon to show up on
tons of tee shirts and other memorabilia. What is the reason for this? Is it a new movie starring
Robin Williams? a new raspberry flavored spinach (ewe)?
no no, our favorite
sailors copyright has expired in the U.K. thus allowing anyone and everyone to freely use his image on
Tee shirts and everything from
Pet Clothing to (GASP! Blasphemy)
new cartoons! The rash of retro shirts will hopefully spawn a new era of classic tees allowing us old geeks (34 seems ancient) to finally wear our geek pride in public!
But don't get your spinach in a bunch, this bluto hasn't rested on our shores yet. Yep, due to US copyright, we here in the states will have to wait a bit longer.
************ TV Show T Shirts ***************
In the meantime while we wait for the brits to start importing, check out 80's tees, they have some
decent retro popeye tees, as well as '' for this classic tee that
reminds me of the old arcade game - gotta collect those hearts and
save me' olive!
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