Irish? Wanna be? Get the Jump on St. Patrick's Day T Shirts

Short and Sweet. Nothing too schticky. Not necessarily a "once a year" shirt. Not totally green - and can actually be worn every day in Boston, if you are lucky enough to be a resident of the capitol of Red Sox Nation.
So snag one for you and for each of the members of your drinking team and be ready to roll when March 17th rolls around. GOOD NEWS ... they are also available in more colors, presumably to mask the green beer one of you hammered (pronounced HAM - id) buddies is gonna dump all over you - either on purpose or not.
So, click on over to FSG for either this "I Shamrock You T shirt", or one of the many other St. Patrick's Day T Shirts where they will run you a cool $16.99 and up.
Posted in Labels: flippin sweet gear, holiday t shirts, st patrick's day t shirts | Edit |
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