A New Wave of Barack Obama T Shirts; Thank Goodness

Now that folks have had a little time for this whole political thing to set in, some much better Obama tee shirts are beginning to surface. I like this one just because it seems to be very well thought out. It's not in your face, not overwhelming and honestly would look pretty darn good whether it said Obama on it or not.
OK, so it definately has that "I ripped off this look from Ed Hardy" feel - but for a political t shirt, at least they took the time to rip off something cool.
This Freedom Scroll Obama T Shirt is available (in a number of colors) for between $18.45 and $22.95 - depending on the size/color combination.
Posted in Labels: $2.95 tee shirts, Barack Obama T Shirt, Basack T Shirt, Obama T Shirt, t-shirt | Edit |
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