Planet Green (tv) T Shirt

************ TV Show T Shirts ***************
I'm not sure how I happened upon it, actually, but now when my tv is on (which was constantly before I was labled an Eco-Criminal for doing so) it's on this channel.
For those of you unfamiliar, here's the lineup:
(The following information was taken from and is used here soley to display an accurate representation of the programming they offer.
Alter Eco
Alter Eco is an eco lifestyle and makeover series presented by Adrian Grenier and his entourage of green activists, experts, and friends. As all work and no play makes for a dull show, Adrian always concludes Alter Eco with a meal or a gathering where he and his green team celebrate their accomplishments for the week.
Saving over 40% on energy bills while also increasing property value by 25% sounds impossible, but Greenovate shows viewers just how to make this lofty dream a reality in their own households.
On May 4, 2007, a deadly tornado struck Greensburg, Kansas, ripping the town to shreds. Ninety-five percent of the town was destroyed, eleven lives were tragically lost, and survivors were left without homes, businesses, schools and basic city services. Greensburg was gone, and it seemed that all was lost for its residents.
G Word
Being green is no longer just for granola-loving hippies. It's a lifestyle, an attitude, a state-of-mind, and it's shaking up the pop-culture landscape. Forget what you think you know about what being green means and get ready for G Word...
Hollywood Green
Hollywood Green delivers the latest in news regarding Hollywood stars and starlets who are going green while making headlines in movies, TV shows, and music.
Living With Ed
Ed Begley, Jr. is a celebrated American actor and a dedicated family man, but he's especially proud of being a renowned environmentalist. A show with humor and heart, Living with Ed delves into the real life of a die hard activist who puts his green where his home is.
Mean Green Machines
Mean Green Machines is a turbocharged thrill ride jam-packed with the latest, fastest, and greenest vehicles, bikes, and even aircrafts. These machines are hot off the prototype assembly line and fresh from the most inventive eco-friendly minds in the world. In ten half-hour episodes, environmentally friendly machines are pitted against their fuel-injected twin.
Renovation Nation
The green home building movement is unfolding in real time on each hour-long, information-packed episode of Renovation Nation, which answers the burning questions that every homeowner in America has about going green.
Stuff Happens
This exciting half-hour series engages the viewer with astonishing information, easy-to-follow science, lighthearted demonstrations, expert interviews and connective story-telling to amplify growing problems in the environment and important solutions.
Anyway, if effeciency, solar, electric and wind power and making a difference fascinate you, go check it out. Planet Green
So far my approach to watching this channel is very similar to my approach with Food Network. Just as I can be found eating a bologna sandwich while Iron Chf Flay makes some tasty treat with some exotic fish, I can also be found watching Wa$ted (highly recommended program, BTW) with 2 computers running, alll the lights on and drinking a 16 oz bottle water - but I'm working on it. Awareness is the first step, right?
Posted in Labels: eco friendly, planet green, t shirts, television | Edit |
psst - it's channel 286
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