OMG - Blogger Posts Over 143 T Shirt Fashion Blogs!

Posted in Labels: blogger, hide your arms, sucker for linkbait, t-shirt blogs | Edit |
T-shirts have come along way from just something that corresponds with your tighty whities. Unless I'm at a wedding, a funeral or a business function, chances are I'm wearing one of America's favorite clothing items; the good ol' t-shirt.
Join me as I continue my (not quite) daily search for that next great t-shirt purchase.
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Posted on/at 12:23 PM by Web Thing
Posted in Labels: blogger, hide your arms, sucker for linkbait, t-shirt blogs | Edit |
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You could be doing more than a post a week, I was doing the descriptions quickly (think about it, if I was taking 2 minutes on each blog there's about 6 hours worth of work right there!), so I'd just quickly peruse a blog, guess at the frequency of updates, then look at their link list to see if there were any blogs that I didn't know about.
I wish there was a programme that could have worked out all the post frequencies for me then updated the post accordingly, but I haven't found it yet if it exists.
Actually, Andy, you were absolutely right, I was averaging about one a week as of late. No worries.
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