White and Nerdy Guy's T-Shirt

OK, I finally broke down and tried my hand at creating my own darn shirt. After months of cruising the 'net, I guess it was about time. I admit, I'm no Picasso and it certainly won't be mistaken as the newest tee from Volcom or Billabong- but it was a lot of fun. I'm hoping to start a line of shirts using the periodic table; easier said than done. Who knew there was a Wierd Al song called white & nerdy? Not me - but if that's what floats your boat, by all means... Get your White & Nerdy Guy's T Shirt in my Cafe Press Store for 19.99 (is that too much?, yeah, I thought so too)
Posted in Labels: design you own t shirt, t shirt store, volcom | Edit |
Have you considered getting them in womens sizes?? I would love to get one.
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