Elvis and I are Now True Believers!

OK, the crew over at True Believer Clothing dropped me a line - and I'm glad they did! (When people send me cool links, it makes this gig a lot easier). I have been in Vegas for 2 months now, and this is the first Elvis sighting I am actually excited about. Not only do these guys (and gals?) bring beautifully detailed design work to the table, but they go the extra mile and put it on a QUALITY shirt. (Don't get me wrong, I'll still cruise the bargain bins for everyday wear, but you could throw a jacket over this baby, a pair of jeans, some shades and cruise the streets like you just stepped out of Hollywood) Kudo's and thanks to TBC for stepping up with solid t-shirts, like this Elvis t-shirt. For 24.99 GBP (thats just under 50 bucks) it's a steal
Posted in Labels: Elvis, Elvis Presley, T-Shirts, True Believer Clothing | Edit |
The design on this shirt is great, very original!
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