A Tee Shirt for the Greater Good

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T-shirts have come along way from just something that corresponds with your tighty whities. Unless I'm at a wedding, a funeral or a business function, chances are I'm wearing one of America's favorite clothing items; the good ol' t-shirt.
Join me as I continue my (not quite) daily search for that next great t-shirt purchase.
Printed Tees $6
Yes, we are for real.
Now get 10 Tees for only $50!
T-Shirts Only $6
You will never find another deal like this.
Any 10 for only $50!
smart, topical
t-shirtsfor trend-bucking
guys and girls.
T-Shirts Only $6.
You will never find another
deal like this. Any 10 for only $50!
Posted on/at 12:19 PM by Web Thing
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Hi T-Shirt Guy:
I am so thrilled at your post, even more special because it was completely unsolicited by us. We are a very new company, in the beginning stages of marketing, and so any assistance in helping us to promote is greatly appreciated.
We would like to send you a shirt as a thank you. please email me your info: jacqui@2reachamillion.com
Thanx again,
Jacqui Miller
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