Posted on/at 10:12 AM by Web Thing

Does anyone remember the T-Shirt shop? When I was a kid, it was a big deal to go to the t-shirt shop, pick out a design get my very own "custom made" t-shirt. Those were the days man ... iron ons ruled the t-shirt landscape. Recapture your youth with the iron-on-esque looking retro stuff at
Retro Duck. This train doesn't really capture the colorful and sometimes sparkely iron-on thing, you will have to go to their site to see the others ... but I would actually wear this one they call
Train in Snow T-Shirt ... and at $15, I don't think the prices have changed since I was a tot in the late 70's either.
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retro t shirts
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Posted on/at 9:01 AM by Web Thing

OK, the crew over at True Believer Clothing dropped me a line - and I'm glad they did! (When people send me cool links, it makes this gig a lot easier). I have been in Vegas for 2 months now, and this is the first Elvis sighting I am actually excited about. Not only do these guys (and gals?) bring beautifully detailed design work to the table, but they go the extra mile and put it on a QUALITY shirt. (Don't get me wrong, I'll still cruise the bargain bins for everyday wear, but you could throw a jacket over this baby, a pair of jeans, some shades and cruise the streets like you just stepped out of Hollywood) Kudo's and thanks to
TBC for stepping up with solid t-shirts, like this
Elvis t-shirt. For 24.99 GBP (thats just under 50 bucks) it's a steal
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Elvis Presley,
True Believer Clothing
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Posted on/at 9:37 AM by Web Thing

.. you had a great idea, you find out someone else had it first, and quite frankly, does it better. That's what happened to me. So much for my clever idea of spelling things out with the periodic table of elements. The folks at The Ultra Geek Store have already done it, and apparently been doing it for a while. See their whole line of
chemical element shirts. Guess I'm headed back to the drawing board.
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Posted on/at 9:40 PM by Web Thing
Death Before Dishonor
OK, here's one for the high end fans. It's a sweet number from the Ed Hardy collection. (I think most do it yourselfers secretly either loath him or love him) You can't argue that this t-shirt is top notch. V-Neck, drab color, oversized well thought out design - what's not to love? Wanna buy it click the picture and get your grubby mitts on this baby at It ain't cheap, nor should it be. Many others there too, but this one spoke to me. What are you waiting for? Click the pic.
Look for more ed hardy t-shirts at Shop For Clothes com or click the banners below: |
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ed hardy,
tee shirt
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Posted on/at 3:46 PM by Web Thing

OK, I finally broke down and tried my hand at creating my own darn shirt. After months of cruising the 'net, I guess it was about time. I admit, I'm no Picasso and it certainly won't be mistaken as the newest tee from
Volcom or Billabong- but it was a lot of fun. I'm hoping to start a line of shirts using the periodic table; easier said than done. Who knew there was a Wierd Al song called white & nerdy? Not me - but if that's what floats your boat, by all means... Get your
White & Nerdy Guy's T Shirt in my Cafe Press Store for 19.99 (is that too much?, yeah, I thought so too)
Posted in
design you own t shirt,
t shirt store,
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Posted on/at 9:12 AM by Web Thing

Hey, a t-shirt doesn't have to be indie to be cool does it? This one is from Lost and is available at Pacific Sunwear. I just like how the design wanders outside the usual print area and isn't crammed dead center on the shirt. The leaves are part of an "organic" graphic element craze that seems very popular as of late, and I dig it.
It also comes with a little bonus design on the right rear shoulder - a nice touch. Grab this one for under $20 by clicking here:
PacSun - Lost - T-shirt.
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Posted on/at 9:11 PM by Web Thing

Ok, sure it's not the official 2007 AFC Championship t-shirt, but you can get it at the
NFL Store when you snag your Champ tee. Personally, I think this one is way cooler, but at $50 dollars a whack, it certainly isn't for the fair weather fans... besides, I mentioned earlier in the season that I would be bringing by the old "Pat" logo, you know ... for the folks that remember life before the Brady Bunch. Yup, there was a time when the Pats pretty much stunk ... Thank Goodness this ain't it. Oh yeah, and as the official NFL Store, they have Giants gear too.
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Posted on/at 6:44 AM by Web Thing

Now for something completely different.... This t-shirt is for all the guys and gals that grew up taking things apart to see how they work. This "exploded view" of a bicycle crankshaft would have come in handy back in the day when the pieces of my Huffy were not so organized on the garage floor. This and other bicyle & mototrcycle related t-shirts are available from
Rat Trap Press for about $15. (There's some close up view pictures too)
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Posted on/at 6:50 PM by Web Thing

OK, so it's not really free. Niether was Pepsi Free or a bunch of other national products. Sorry if you feel duped. This t-shirt is all about being gluten free. I honestly can't tell you if it's touting a diet fad or some sort of physical intolerance ... but I can tell you this outfit puts together some groovey duds. Love the Scooby style van and retro text. Another ringer for your collection. Fetch this puppy (as well as other gluten free related stuff; if you're into that sort of thing) at for under 17 bucks.
Posted in
gluten free,
retro t shirts,
t shirt guy
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Posted on/at 7:26 AM by Web Thing
************ Band T Shirts ***************
OK, so I can't explain why on Earth I would post this shirt; having no interest in Star Trek or disco. Something about this combo cracked me up - (That and I have a thing for retro ringer tees). Find this t-shirt in the Sale bin at
The Garment District for about $16. Good luck explaining it to your buds ... I know I'll need it.
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Star Trek,
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Posted on/at 8:43 AM by Web Thing

when you can get one from an original? Hey, your mom can't be there every waking moment of every day to tell you how handsome, smart & funny you are ... so in steps Mr. Rogers. If you need this type of talking to daily, I suggest you get 2 of these and rotate. At $10 a pop - why wouldn't you?
Bonus Feature; Everyone around you thinks you are talking about
them being special - so you get good guy points.
I can't imagine these will be around long st this price in your size, so hurry to
80stees for yours. And as always... have a thrifty Thursday.
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Posted on/at 12:19 PM by Web Thing

Who says a t-shirt can't make a difference? has put together a pretty interesting concept; you buy a t-shirt for $25, and YOU CHOOSE which of their participating charities will recieve $5 just for your purchase. Don't overthink this - it costs a pretty penny to create a 2 sided 10 color shirt. On top of that good feeling you get just from giving - chicks dig a sensative, giving, conscientious worldly dude like you - and you have the t-shirt to prove it. It's a win/win/win.
Learn more abour here.
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Posted on/at 9:59 AM by Web Thing
Argyle T-Shirt
Who says argyle is just for the preppy kid whose lunch money you used to take back in the 80's? This tee shirt features argyle with attitude. Slighly faded with a rediculously large off center logo make this shirt speak volumes. Get yours at
Shop For Clothes for around $30.
Posted in
men's shirts,
shop for clothes
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Posted on/at 9:30 AM by Web Thing
No One Cares About Your BlogThis one would have hurt my feelings ... if it weren't so doggone funny!It isn't bad enough that you have to listen to people drone on and on in person, but now everyone and their grandmother has a blog - where they can express these usless, rambling opinions to the world. Now if this line also included stuff like "No one cares about your ailments", "No one cares about your relationship troubles", "No one cares that your parents suck"; so forth and so on - we would have a t-shirt for every social (or antisocial) occassion. Snag this tee for 20 bucks at
one horse shy.
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blog t-shirt,
funny t-shirt,
no one cares
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