Love and a 45 (RPM Record)

Anyone remember the 45 RPM record?
Remember that funky little doohicky that that you needed to keep it on the turntable? Remember trying to get along without one, with either perfect placement (which never worked) or trying to fashion your own with scotch tape and cardboard - among other things?
************ Band T Shirts ***************
Bring the nostalgia back! Your neighbors will drift off to a far away place when they see this shirt - and thier kids will think its a cool design - having absolutely no frame of reference to what it actually is.
I totally dig this kind of juxtaposition (is that the right word?)
Either way, kudos to the folks at Symbols on Stuff for this simple yet evocative t shirt.
Want one? Want 2? Remember, you can never have too many 45 RPM record adaptors hanging around. Other colors available too! Get em here: 45 RMP Record Adapter T Shirt.
Posted in Labels: 45 rpm, blog t-shirt, record, retro t shirts | Edit |
T-shirt guy....if you like the 45 RPM record insert...check out our new site,
Here's a quick description...
It's been said that, "Life is Tuff." And so it is. So, we offer the perfect uniform to get you through your day...Tuff Duds t-shirts. Highlighting the "not so well known" stars of the recording industry. The right attitude and fit at a value that's hard to beat. Got a problem with that? We didn't think so.
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