Nico Starr Prepares to Take on the Big Boys

At first glance, this t shirt made me think "dang, I miss my Tonka Bucketloader", but upon further inspection I changed my tune and was routing for the shovel. Who doesn't love an underdog - think David and Goliath - playground style.
The fun doesn't end there, and seeing as I only feature one shirt per post - your going to have to check out the others at . (Other favorites include "Old School" and "Seven Ate Nine") What can I say ... I'm just a big kid, and if you are too I recommend you check it out.
The t shirt above "Eye of the Tiger" will only set you back $17 to $28, depending on the quality and style of t shirt you choose. (About the same with all of the other designs too)
Go get 'em Nico!
Posted in Labels: clever t shirts, eye of the tiger, nicostarr | Edit |
That's a cute little shirt there.
I like that shirt. Haven't seen that one out there. Pretty original which is refreshing.
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