Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cool Hot Coffee T Shirt from Biticol

Posted on/at 5:36 PM by Web Thing

One of the few things I like more than a great t shirt is a cup of coffee - (and I am not nearly as picky about my coffee)

This one from BITICOL has a nice little twist - the vapor from the coffee looks like some kind of skull ... I'm not sure what they are getting at here, but it'still a really great shirt. Maybe something about coffee being bad for you? Maybe the coffee is loaded with those spirits that us Irish folks like. Why can't I tell you? Easy - the site is completely in Spanish right now - but no worries ... English (and French versions, for you Canadiens) are right around the corner.

Get your coffee t-shirt from for 11 (whatever the Spanish currency is)


biticol said...

Tracking back news in google i found your article, to answer to your question, this is about bad coffee machines that serve awful and necessarycoffe to stay awake the whole day so it's a Love/hate declaration :)
And the spanish currency is Euro, si the price in USA is over 14-15$